Whenever we get a new challenge to make a brand/company in the top position, the first thing we do is analyzing and understanding the targeted audience and their feelings, necessities and then we prioritize and strategize steps to become successful!.
8+ Years of rigorous research on digital Marketing & online branding, We provide the accurate solution of your problem with our 8+ years of experienced research.
Expertise in Social Media Marketing, Online Reputation Management. Expertise in Social Media marketing, traffic generation and online branding make us the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore.
Best Digital Marketing Campaign for Every Business. We provide 360 degree solutions to every business from small to large, profitable to non-profitable, business to business or business to consumer service.
Comprising a team of 100+ Digital Marketing experts. We are a family of 100+ digital marketing experts to solve your all doubts.
Digital marketing has been booming in recent years. Traditional methods of selling and promoting courses or products are not quite strong enough in this competitive and technology driven era. Industry Experts did not like to use AI in their agency for promotion or sales; but in the year of 2022-2023 it is evident that AI can do miracles in the field of digital marketing.
AI is a technology that gathers data and uses these data to make changes, understand, and respond to tasks as they have been trained to do. AI involves many complicated algorithms to make efficient, powerful solutions and it is getting matured day after day.
Now-a-days AI is being used in many digital marketing sectors and providing a range of benefits and options.
Various digital marketing agencies have different pricing structures for the services they provide. Packages may vary from being cheap to being very expensive depending on different factors like the size of your company or the size of your project. To state a figure, online marketing services can easily range from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 per year for small sized businesses.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay per Clicks (PPC) are the most effective strategy to get noticed. Almost 5.5 + billion search request is handled by Google alone on a daily basis. Search Engine Marketing can help you direct more traffic to your website through optimization and paid ads.
SEO is no magic that can solve all your business problems rather it is a continuously evolving practice. It is a science that requires observation of changing patterns, trends and dangers. Having a clear thought about what exactly do you want from SEO investment is of paramount important for getting the most out of SEO for your business.
Digital Marketing is an umbrella term comprising of many marketing strategies. It is of various types but can be majorly broken down to seven marketing types – Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Market Analytics.
With traditional marketing becoming obsolete and less effective, better ways like content marketing is becoming more popular. It focuses on distributing valuable, consistent and relevant content to attract and retain a crowd. Today content marketing is being practiced by a vast majority of big market players like Microsoft, P&G, Cisco and many more.
The concept of Local Marketing is becoming popular rapidly, even more so after the world was hit by the pandemic. Under Local Marketing, potential customers are targeted within a specific radius generally within 50 – 80 km of the physical location of the business. It is especially important for small sized businesses like shops, bars etc.